Please welcome our new Pastor – Josh Austin.

After a unanimous vote, it is with great joy that we officially welcome Josh and Marissa Austin, along with their precious children, Jevan, Emery, Noah & Jude, back to our church family.

Josh served as Lead Pastor of Mineral Neighborhood Christian Center from 2014-2021 and he is currently the Family Life/Digital Pastor and Worship Leader at Momentum Church in Colville, WA. Josh will be taking over as our Lead Pastor by the end of September; we look forward to his leadership.

Continue to watch here and our Facebook page for more information about Josh and Marissa and the plans they have for our church.

If you are in need of assistance from him sooner, he welcomes calls to (360) 522-0833.

Until then, we are grateful to Pastor Kerry “Mac” McRoberts for continuing as our interim Pastor as we make this transition.